“Thank ya, Jesus!”

December 20, 2021

Day 75 (April 19, 2019)

Hey Lord,

            First and foremost, I just have to say thank you. I prayed hard that this period would be easier; I prayed that I would not have extremely painful cramps; and I prayed that I would not have to endure full body shakes. (I know I have told you this before, but those full body shakes scare the crap out of me because it feels like my whole freakin’ world is falling apart around me.) But you heard me, Lord. Not only did you listen, but you also answered my prayer. I did have the emptying out—and I could barely leave the bathroom for more than 30 minutes—but I did not experience full body shakes, and the cramps could have been far worse. So, thank you, Lord. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

            Secondly, Lord, thank you for Dane. Once again, that man took great care of me when I was out of commission. TMI, maybe, but he brought me lots of water, to keep me hydrated, and yummy lasagna to eat on the commode because this girl needed a good re-supply of iron, and she could not leave the bathroom to get it herself. (Gosh, when I think about it, Lord, talking about a period should never be TMI. It is natural, and everybody knows somebody who deals with its varying levels of pain EVERY SINGLE DANG MONTH. So, it ain’t TMI in my book. Maybe the weirder thing is that I started talking in 3rd person all of a sudden.) Anywho, I must say, yours and Dane’s effort seriously helped make my period more tolerable and less of a case of survival, and I am so grateful. Especially because only one hair was lost amidst the manageable pain. (I’m gonna make it! Only three days left!!)

            You know what else will help me make it, Lord? Taking any spare moment I possibly can, amidst this kind of pain, and spurring myself on with joy. And that is what I did today too, Lord! I spent every second I felt okay, binge watching Parks and Recreation on the couch with my love. (Only five episodes left of the entire series . . . I am going to cry!) Lord, we laughed constantly, and we held each other’s hands. (Dane even thought I was sexy though I looked like a mess, and I was “gracefully” hunched over a heating pad.) Those snippets of joyous time, mixed into the larger moments of physical discomfort, were just a few more things—combined with your care and Dane’s devotion—that truly helped me physically, emotionally, and psychologically be able to make it through my day without massacring my hairlines. So, as my AMAZING aunt would say, “Thank ya, Jesus!” Thank you so much!


Your Daughter Kaitlan

P.S. Lord, I can bet there are many people out there that are three days away from the completion of their hair re-growth journey, and some of them might be dealing with pain at the same time and are worried the pain might be too great not to “answer” with a bit of pulling. Lord, would you please listen to their prayers for help and answer with your great love and mercy? Please lessen their pain, like you did mine, and also provide them support in the form of a loved one or friend. I would also ask that you pave the way for them to also experience small snippets of joyous time, amidst the discomfort, because there really isn’t anything that beats the urge to pull more than joy and laughter. (At least for me.) Lord, I pray this whole heartedly because I so want people to be able to see how much you, and others, love them amidst the struggle, and I really want them to be able to exclaim, “Thank ya, Jesus!” 

Thank you for reading! If you are new, this is a chronological blog series. It is best read in order. CLICK HERE for the intro.


  • Kathleen

    December 20, 2021 at 8:43 pm

    God is good!laughter is good medicine!! Dane is wonderful!! A nice trifecta!! A nice reprieve!! Way to WARRIOR ON!!👍❤️🎉🎉

    1. Kaitlan Wylie

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      Laughter is good medicine 🙂 🙂

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