Today, your girl was starting to get a little nervous. I officially leave at the end of this week for North Carolina, and the separation anxiety is creeping in around my heart a bit more. Honestly, I really wish Dane could join me…
An Irish Meal
I don’t know if it is the Irish in me, but I am not exaggerating when I say, “I LOVE corned beef with cabbage and potatoes.” (Hands down my favorite meal!) Growing up, my mama would make this meal…
Back to Normal
Today was the day! Dane got all the right tubes hooked up to the new washer, and then we did a test wash—just a clean tub load—to make sure there were no drainage problems…
A Little Bit of Fight
I just want to say thank you for being with me in the wee hours of the morning. In the hours when Dane was asleep, and I was the only one up roaming the rooms of the condo. Honestly, if not for you I probably would have given into the…
Delivery Dilemma
We were supposed to have a new washing machine delivered to us today, between 3:30pm and 7:30pm. The delivery was going to be a tight squeeze since our place is so tiny…
Well Taken Care Of
Dane and I went to his chiropody initial assessment today, and we received some great news! DANE DOES NOT HAVE TO GET SURGERY ON HIS FOOT!! (Wooo!) That was something that had been really concerning Dane…
Being a Bad Ass in Our Own Unique Way
It is well past midnight, so I guess it technically counts as the next day. Man, oh man, I am just riding on a major high right now…
Today is a momentous day!! It is the beginning of a new week of growth, BUT there is another type of growth that has happened…
Not Letting Fear Stop Me
So, I accepted the request to be greeter again at church today. Is it bad to say that I REALLY did not want to do it? The last time I did it, I was approached by a homeless man…